Looking for free or reduced cost, high quality products and services for 501(c)(3) nonprofits? These are our favorite resources!
*** TechSoup has the biggest listing, including most of the items below, and is often used for nonprofit status verification. ***
Email, Workspace, Collaboration
Google Workspace - Free nonprofit plan
Microsoft 365 - 10 Business Premium seats donated, then just $5/month/user for additional seats
Slack - Free nonprofit plan
Okta - Free nonprofit plan to manage user SaaS access
Hardware & Software
TechSoup - Ability to purchase software/hardware at discounted nonprofit rates
Microsoft Hardware Discount - Discounted Hardware
CDW - Ability to purchase software/hardware at discounted nonprofit rates
PayPal - Discounted fees, ability to do website donation links
every.org - Platform to help nonprofits accept cash, credit card, stock, and cryptocurrency donations.
Google Ads - Up to $10k/month in Google Ad grants
Mailchimp - 15% discount
LinkedIn - Free ads and more - Sign up for Microsoft’s nonprofit program first
Salesforce - Discounted pricing on fundraising, marketing, program management, and grant management tools.
AWS - 90% discount via TechSoup (limits apply)
Microsoft Azure - Up to $3,000/yr in Azure cloud grants
Code Repository
GitHub - Free GitHub Team, unlimited repos and collaborators
GitLab - Free Ultimate license with up to 20 seats
Splunk - Free 10Gbps license
Tenable Nessus Pro - Free Nessus Pro License
Security Onion - Free for everyone